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Get your own High Quality plush clone of your pet!


If you order a custom made replica of your own pet from cuddleclones.com by using the code: LikeSpike, you’ll get 10% off an order! The quality and genuineness is ... simply unique! Get yours now! » http://bit.ly/cuddleclones or click here for details. Please use the google translator-bar or contact Spike for more details.

Spike - News

Finally revealed: 13 secrets, that will change your life forever!

Wisdoms by Spike

Wisdoms presented and founded by Spike-Chihuahua

My Biography

All facts about Spike Chihuahua

Spike's friend-roster

See all of Spike's friends. Do you want to be a friend of Spike as well? Contact us!



Funny Outtakes

Updates coming soon...



Chihuahua - Live Chat

Take part of the Spike Chihuahua LIVE Chat! No registration!


Spike - Shop

Get your own High Quality plush clone of your pet!


I would be very happy if you leave a comment in it!

See Spike skyping

Watch how Spike skype's with his friend Pancho (The famous dog doing yoga every day) in L.A.

like-spike.com - facebook's most famous Chihuahua let you take part of his awesome adventures.


My name is Spike, I am facebook's most famous Chihuahua!

I was born in Germany on march 12, 2012. I am 16 cm high and my weight is about 1550 gram. Notice: "I am still single"! :D

At this homepage you will see exclusive Spike-Stuff:



Enjoy it, and share it - Yours Spike                                                                           © photography by Benjamin Koch

Spike's career in chronological order:

August , 2012

  • Spike's career starts on facebook. His changing moods and professional photos make him become facebook's most famous chihuahua. More than 220.000 followers (constantly growing) all over the world can't wait to see more of his funny adventures, heartwarming wisdoms and cute pictures.

February, 2013

  • Spike joins Youtube and has uploaded more than 35 funny videos with over 13.000 views.

July, 2013

  • Spike makes the 12'th place in a competition by FOCUS ONLINE magazine (one of the most popular magazines in Germany) looking for Germany's most handsome dog.

April, 2014

May, 2014

  • Spike signs his first advertisement-contract with "Bavaria optics", a German optometrist in Dubai.
  • Spike makes a deal, which allows him to make his followers a special offer for holiday appartements in Dubai and Paguera (Mallorca Island).

June, 2014

  • Spike writes his first article and reveales the "13 secrets for a healthy life". Congrats to you!
  • Spike joins Instagram.

July, 2014

  • Spike creates a google+ fanpage ... in progress
  • Spike's title: "Facebook's most famous Chihuahua" has been official verified by facebook with a blue badge

August, 2014

  • Spike is working on a book for children (Release Date TBA Q3 2015) in progress

September, 2014

November, 2014

  • Spike cooperate with cuddle clones. A brandnew picture gallery and an exclusive Spike-Offer comes up NEXT!


Whats up next?

Well, be excited. He's just working on further projects, coming soon :) Be surprised!!

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